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Thursday, 2 August 2012

Name That Android!

Name That Android!:

Hey everyone, Androidguys.com with be starting a new series! (Drum Roll Please!) “Name That
Android!” This is a series we will do once a month and it will consist of naming the next updates of Android Operating System. This series is all about user interaction inside this comments area below and on our social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, and Google +.)
These are the previous codenames of the Android OS:

Android 1.5 – Cupcake
Android 1.6 – Donut
Android 2.0/2.1 – Éclair (A French pastry)
Android 2.2.x – Froyo (Premium Frozen Yogurt)
Android 2.3.x – Gingerbread
Android 3.x – Honeycomb
Android 4.0.x – Ice Cream Sandwich
Android 4.1 – Jelly Bean
  1. Android OS codenames have ALWAYS been Tasty Treats, so let’s keep it that way!
  2. They also go in alphabetical order, so we will start this month with the letter “K!”
So, it’s up to you guys, in the comments below put what you will think will be the name of the next android update! I will tally the results up and include them in next month’s segment of “Name that Android!”

My Assumption: “Key Lime Pie”
Name That Android! originally appeared on AndroidGuys.

Get more AndroidGuys on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube!

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Blog Archive

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Name That Android!

Name That Android!:

Hey everyone, Androidguys.com with be starting a new series! (Drum Roll Please!) “Name That
Android!” This is a series we will do once a month and it will consist of naming the next updates of Android Operating System. This series is all about user interaction inside this comments area below and on our social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, and Google +.)
These are the previous codenames of the Android OS:

Android 1.5 – Cupcake
Android 1.6 – Donut
Android 2.0/2.1 – Éclair (A French pastry)
Android 2.2.x – Froyo (Premium Frozen Yogurt)
Android 2.3.x – Gingerbread
Android 3.x – Honeycomb
Android 4.0.x – Ice Cream Sandwich
Android 4.1 – Jelly Bean
  1. Android OS codenames have ALWAYS been Tasty Treats, so let’s keep it that way!
  2. They also go in alphabetical order, so we will start this month with the letter “K!”
So, it’s up to you guys, in the comments below put what you will think will be the name of the next android update! I will tally the results up and include them in next month’s segment of “Name that Android!”

My Assumption: “Key Lime Pie”
Name That Android! originally appeared on AndroidGuys.

Get more AndroidGuys on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube!

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