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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Data warehouse conepts

Data Warehousing Technology: Focus on Clinical Warehousing

This is the summary of a talk I gave as part of a workshop on Clinical Data Warehousing, at the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Fall Symposium at Orlando, Florida, Nov 8th, 1998.
  • A Data Warehouse is a collection of data that reflects all aspects of an organization's operations
  • A Data Mart deals with a single aspect of the data. 

  • Data Marts are simpler to build than Warehouses. Pre-constructed Marts can be purchased for special applications (inventory, marketing).
  • One way to build a warehouse is to build individual data marts and then integrate them later. This is not simple if the marts have been supplied by different vendors.
The Problem to be Solved
  • The volume of the data is large: gigabytes to terabytes.
  • A single query accesses a significant portion of the data.
  • Response to the query should be reasonably fast: on-line analytical processing (OLAP)
  • The analytical tools should be usable by data analysts who are not necessarily database experts. Some systems should be usable by non-technical people (e.g., salespersons or executives).
Problem Constraints
  • The data is mostly read-only.
  • Updates to the data are made in bulk (batch-mode) only: there are no interactive updates
This means that certain index structures that are suited for rapid read access (though mediocre or even terrible for interactive data updates) can be used. These structures are bitmap indices and join ("star") indices.

Technological Approaches
  • Use a Relational Database Engine (ROLAP). Scalable to very large data volumes, but speed is limited.
  • Use a Multidimensional Database (MDDB) Engine (MOLAP). Very fast with modest volumes (<100 GB), but less scalable by itself. Can be used exclusively by itself for data marts.
  • Use Hybrid Technology (HOLAP): multidimensional data structures stored within a relational engine.

    All RDBMS vendors today provide HOLAP: they have acquired smaller MDDB vendors and integrated their offerings. Here, the MDDB will store precomputed aggregates, and much of the data as well, but if the query would require going to the raw data, it will "pass on" the query to the underlying RDBMS, which will use ROLAP to answer the query (somewhat more slowly). For small data volumes, the MDDB itself would store the raw data.
    Microsoft SQL Server's offering is very easy (almost a no-brainer) to set up: a wizard automates the task of importing data from a "star schema" in the RDBMS.
Relational Approaches
Both ROLAP and MOLAP use the Star schema, so called because "Dimension" table surround a central "Fact" table like the spokes of a star (see below). The Star Schema
star_schema.jpg (37762 bytes)
  • Departs from strict normalization: thus, every line item in a Pharmacy Order becomes a separate row in the Pharmacy Order Fact table, even though, in a normalized relational database, the physician and the date/time of order would be placed in an Order Header table. The fact table is in fact derived by combining fields from the original Header and Line Items tables for the order.
A Snowflake Schema
More "normalized" than a Star schema: one or more Dimension tables are in turn related to other (non-Fact) tables. This tends to be a bit of a performance killer, but is sometimes unavoidable. An example is shown below: this is an expansion of the top-left hand of the previous diagram.

  • Here, a drug may belong to multiple therapeutic or pharmacologic categories, and we would like to compute the total orders by category. So we need a "bridge" table between drug and category.
  • Similarly, we may want orders by diagnosis. The only problem is that diagnosis is linked to a patient, who may have multiple diagnoses. So, we have another bridge table, Patient_Diagnosis, between Diagnosis and Patient.
  • There is another wrinkle here: Categories may be hierarchical, and the depth of the hierarchy is variable and unpredictable. To cite an example, within the category "oral antidiabetic medication", we have the categories "sulfonylurea", "biguanide" and "thiazolidinedione". "Oral antidiabetic" itself is a child of "antidiabetic", which would include insulin. To handle this situation, we have the table Category_Hierarchy, which is doubly linked to Category ("Category_1" is an alias for Category.)
These represent extreme cases. (In his book, Data warehousing guru Ralph Kimball describes situations analogous to these under the category "A Graduate Course in Dimensional Modeling".)
Join (Star) Indices
Consider the regular B-tree indices used by a database table. These consist of records arranged in a tree structure. The lowest levels of the tree (the "leaves") store  a value of the key for which the index has been created (e.g., a patient ID) and the record number in the table where the value can be found. For fields that are not unique, the same key value may be found in multiple records. Now suppose there was a B-tree index on a column in the Fact table (Pharmacy Orders) on Patient ID, and another B-tree index on Patient ID in the Patients dimension Table of the star schema diagram. To locate the details of a particular row, we would get the Patient ID from that row, then consult the B-tree of the Patient table to get to the record number of the corresponding Patient Record. B-trees are reasonably fast, but when scanning large numbers of rows, the consulting of the B-tree for each record adds up.
Suppose, however, instead of storing the Patient ID itself in the Fact table, we stored, instead, the Record Number of the Patient ID in the Patient table. Then, to look up the details of a particular row, we do not need to consult the B-tree of the Patient table, but can go to the corresponding record directly. This is exactly what a "join index" does. When you build a join index, you are indexing the records in one table based on the record numbers in another table. This greatly speeds up a join operation between the two tables.

You can create a join index for every link between a Fact table and a Dimension table.
Because the Fact table is heavily encoded, a common operation is to translate the Fact table into human-understandable form, by pulling descriptive fields from the surrounding Dimension tables ("Star Join"). Obviously, no one can view billions of rows, so the operation is typically restricted by multiple criteria based on the dimension table (e.g, patients matching a particular demographic profile, drug category).
A bitmap index is explained as follows: suppose severity of an adverse reaction in a fact table is recorded as a number between 1 to 5. (Such a coding system is, in fact, used by the National Cancer Institute's Common Toxicity Criteria). We can then index this data as follows: we store an array of bits (1 or 0) for all grade 1 adverse reactions. The number of bits is equal to the number of records in the table. 1 means that record represents a grade 1 reaction, 0 means it does not. We similarly store arrays for every other value of severity (2, 3, 4 and 5). The set of arrays constitutes the bitmap index.
Bitmap indices are much more economical in terms of storage when a particular column has a limited set (e.g., "low cardinality") of values. Another obvious candidate for a bitmap is the sex of a patient (only two possible values), or whether the drug had to be discontinued (Yes or No). One can rapidly perform set intersections and unions with bitmaps, to answer questions like: show me all female patients with grade 2 or greater where the drug had to be discontinued. Obviously, bitmap indices do not make sense when a particular field can have hundreds of possible values.
Multidimensional Databases
datacube.jpg (12131 bytes)
  • The fact table is conceptually stored as a multidimensional hypercube, with each descriptive attribute (patient, physician, drug, etc.) forming one axis.
  • Each cell in the hypercube contains one or more numeric fields (measures).
  • Data compression is used to reduce the number of cells, because all permutations of the dimensions do not exist in the data (e.g., only some physicians order particular drugs).
  • Relies heavily on pre-computation of aggregates for providing real-time responses to queries. (PAP: precomputed analytical processing)
  • There are significant space savings over ROLAP because arrays are more compact than tables (all the array index subscripts are implicit), and cell lookups become arithmetic operations rather than indexed searches.
  • Ever since the RDBMS vendors got into MDDBs, the "pure" MOLAP market has been consolidated. Hyperion is one of the few independents still around.
Language Standards for OLAP and Warehousing
  • Microsoft has proposed MDX, an open OLAP query language standard). MDX, used by Microsoft SQL Server OLAP services, is very much like SQL, but also subtly different in ways that can trip up the unwary user.
  • There is a draft proposal for OLAP operations in SQL-99 (percentiles, regression coefficients, correlation, ranking of values, etc). The draft ISO document discussing this is almost completely opaque, and the writers seem to have a total phobia with respect to providing examples. It is not recommended reading for anybody with a life, or with a modicum of sanity to protect. There is also a concern that this proposal simply does not go far enough: to cite an obvious example, 2-variable regression (Y vs. X) is handled, but not N-variable multiple regression. Data mining packages from SAS or SPSS go far, far beyond this proposal already, using their own home-grown syntax.
  • What RDBMS vendors already provide
    • top N and bottom N queries (e.g., give me the 10 top-ordered drugs)
    • a wider variety of statistical operators (standard deviation, variance). The ISO proposal belatedly introduces these operators, which have been in Oracle for more than six years.
    • Computation of all applicable subtotals when a query asks for grouping on multiple criteria (the CUBE operation in available in MS-SQL Server).
Special Problems of Clinical Warehouses
wpe250.jpg (13318 bytes)
  • Much clinical data is in Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) form. An example of an EAV schema is shown in the figure above. Here, the parameters that are recorded are not hard-coded as columns in a table. Instead, the parameter definitions are stored as metadata (parameter_info in the above diagram). A single data table (Clinical_Events in the figure) stores information about the Entity (Patient and timestamp info), Attribute (i.e., Parameter) and Value for each instance of a parameter recorded at a particular time. (There may be two timestamps for parameters that have duration, e.g., start and end times of an intravenous infusion.)
  • Generally, one must write code to bulk-transform EAV data subsets into star schemas that are focused on a particular topic (e.g., adverse drug reactions, lab tests). The tedium of writing such code can be minimized by appropriately designed metadata.
  • Free-Text data (e.g.,discharge summaries) needs information-retrieval (IR) technology, which is semi- integrated with RDBMS technology. The offerings of MS SQL Server, Oracle and IBM are not as powerful as the feature sets of packages built by IR vendors (who must live or die by their single products)..
  • Eventually requires use of large controlled medical vocabularies.

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Saturday, 28 July 2012

Data warehouse conepts

Data Warehousing Technology: Focus on Clinical Warehousing

This is the summary of a talk I gave as part of a workshop on Clinical Data Warehousing, at the American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Fall Symposium at Orlando, Florida, Nov 8th, 1998.
  • A Data Warehouse is a collection of data that reflects all aspects of an organization's operations
  • A Data Mart deals with a single aspect of the data. 

  • Data Marts are simpler to build than Warehouses. Pre-constructed Marts can be purchased for special applications (inventory, marketing).
  • One way to build a warehouse is to build individual data marts and then integrate them later. This is not simple if the marts have been supplied by different vendors.
The Problem to be Solved
  • The volume of the data is large: gigabytes to terabytes.
  • A single query accesses a significant portion of the data.
  • Response to the query should be reasonably fast: on-line analytical processing (OLAP)
  • The analytical tools should be usable by data analysts who are not necessarily database experts. Some systems should be usable by non-technical people (e.g., salespersons or executives).
Problem Constraints
  • The data is mostly read-only.
  • Updates to the data are made in bulk (batch-mode) only: there are no interactive updates
This means that certain index structures that are suited for rapid read access (though mediocre or even terrible for interactive data updates) can be used. These structures are bitmap indices and join ("star") indices.

Technological Approaches
  • Use a Relational Database Engine (ROLAP). Scalable to very large data volumes, but speed is limited.
  • Use a Multidimensional Database (MDDB) Engine (MOLAP). Very fast with modest volumes (<100 GB), but less scalable by itself. Can be used exclusively by itself for data marts.
  • Use Hybrid Technology (HOLAP): multidimensional data structures stored within a relational engine.

    All RDBMS vendors today provide HOLAP: they have acquired smaller MDDB vendors and integrated their offerings. Here, the MDDB will store precomputed aggregates, and much of the data as well, but if the query would require going to the raw data, it will "pass on" the query to the underlying RDBMS, which will use ROLAP to answer the query (somewhat more slowly). For small data volumes, the MDDB itself would store the raw data.
    Microsoft SQL Server's offering is very easy (almost a no-brainer) to set up: a wizard automates the task of importing data from a "star schema" in the RDBMS.
Relational Approaches
Both ROLAP and MOLAP use the Star schema, so called because "Dimension" table surround a central "Fact" table like the spokes of a star (see below). The Star Schema
star_schema.jpg (37762 bytes)
  • Departs from strict normalization: thus, every line item in a Pharmacy Order becomes a separate row in the Pharmacy Order Fact table, even though, in a normalized relational database, the physician and the date/time of order would be placed in an Order Header table. The fact table is in fact derived by combining fields from the original Header and Line Items tables for the order.
A Snowflake Schema
More "normalized" than a Star schema: one or more Dimension tables are in turn related to other (non-Fact) tables. This tends to be a bit of a performance killer, but is sometimes unavoidable. An example is shown below: this is an expansion of the top-left hand of the previous diagram.

  • Here, a drug may belong to multiple therapeutic or pharmacologic categories, and we would like to compute the total orders by category. So we need a "bridge" table between drug and category.
  • Similarly, we may want orders by diagnosis. The only problem is that diagnosis is linked to a patient, who may have multiple diagnoses. So, we have another bridge table, Patient_Diagnosis, between Diagnosis and Patient.
  • There is another wrinkle here: Categories may be hierarchical, and the depth of the hierarchy is variable and unpredictable. To cite an example, within the category "oral antidiabetic medication", we have the categories "sulfonylurea", "biguanide" and "thiazolidinedione". "Oral antidiabetic" itself is a child of "antidiabetic", which would include insulin. To handle this situation, we have the table Category_Hierarchy, which is doubly linked to Category ("Category_1" is an alias for Category.)
These represent extreme cases. (In his book, Data warehousing guru Ralph Kimball describes situations analogous to these under the category "A Graduate Course in Dimensional Modeling".)
Join (Star) Indices
Consider the regular B-tree indices used by a database table. These consist of records arranged in a tree structure. The lowest levels of the tree (the "leaves") store  a value of the key for which the index has been created (e.g., a patient ID) and the record number in the table where the value can be found. For fields that are not unique, the same key value may be found in multiple records. Now suppose there was a B-tree index on a column in the Fact table (Pharmacy Orders) on Patient ID, and another B-tree index on Patient ID in the Patients dimension Table of the star schema diagram. To locate the details of a particular row, we would get the Patient ID from that row, then consult the B-tree of the Patient table to get to the record number of the corresponding Patient Record. B-trees are reasonably fast, but when scanning large numbers of rows, the consulting of the B-tree for each record adds up.
Suppose, however, instead of storing the Patient ID itself in the Fact table, we stored, instead, the Record Number of the Patient ID in the Patient table. Then, to look up the details of a particular row, we do not need to consult the B-tree of the Patient table, but can go to the corresponding record directly. This is exactly what a "join index" does. When you build a join index, you are indexing the records in one table based on the record numbers in another table. This greatly speeds up a join operation between the two tables.

You can create a join index for every link between a Fact table and a Dimension table.
Because the Fact table is heavily encoded, a common operation is to translate the Fact table into human-understandable form, by pulling descriptive fields from the surrounding Dimension tables ("Star Join"). Obviously, no one can view billions of rows, so the operation is typically restricted by multiple criteria based on the dimension table (e.g, patients matching a particular demographic profile, drug category).
A bitmap index is explained as follows: suppose severity of an adverse reaction in a fact table is recorded as a number between 1 to 5. (Such a coding system is, in fact, used by the National Cancer Institute's Common Toxicity Criteria). We can then index this data as follows: we store an array of bits (1 or 0) for all grade 1 adverse reactions. The number of bits is equal to the number of records in the table. 1 means that record represents a grade 1 reaction, 0 means it does not. We similarly store arrays for every other value of severity (2, 3, 4 and 5). The set of arrays constitutes the bitmap index.
Bitmap indices are much more economical in terms of storage when a particular column has a limited set (e.g., "low cardinality") of values. Another obvious candidate for a bitmap is the sex of a patient (only two possible values), or whether the drug had to be discontinued (Yes or No). One can rapidly perform set intersections and unions with bitmaps, to answer questions like: show me all female patients with grade 2 or greater where the drug had to be discontinued. Obviously, bitmap indices do not make sense when a particular field can have hundreds of possible values.
Multidimensional Databases
datacube.jpg (12131 bytes)
  • The fact table is conceptually stored as a multidimensional hypercube, with each descriptive attribute (patient, physician, drug, etc.) forming one axis.
  • Each cell in the hypercube contains one or more numeric fields (measures).
  • Data compression is used to reduce the number of cells, because all permutations of the dimensions do not exist in the data (e.g., only some physicians order particular drugs).
  • Relies heavily on pre-computation of aggregates for providing real-time responses to queries. (PAP: precomputed analytical processing)
  • There are significant space savings over ROLAP because arrays are more compact than tables (all the array index subscripts are implicit), and cell lookups become arithmetic operations rather than indexed searches.
  • Ever since the RDBMS vendors got into MDDBs, the "pure" MOLAP market has been consolidated. Hyperion is one of the few independents still around.
Language Standards for OLAP and Warehousing
  • Microsoft has proposed MDX, an open OLAP query language standard). MDX, used by Microsoft SQL Server OLAP services, is very much like SQL, but also subtly different in ways that can trip up the unwary user.
  • There is a draft proposal for OLAP operations in SQL-99 (percentiles, regression coefficients, correlation, ranking of values, etc). The draft ISO document discussing this is almost completely opaque, and the writers seem to have a total phobia with respect to providing examples. It is not recommended reading for anybody with a life, or with a modicum of sanity to protect. There is also a concern that this proposal simply does not go far enough: to cite an obvious example, 2-variable regression (Y vs. X) is handled, but not N-variable multiple regression. Data mining packages from SAS or SPSS go far, far beyond this proposal already, using their own home-grown syntax.
  • What RDBMS vendors already provide
    • top N and bottom N queries (e.g., give me the 10 top-ordered drugs)
    • a wider variety of statistical operators (standard deviation, variance). The ISO proposal belatedly introduces these operators, which have been in Oracle for more than six years.
    • Computation of all applicable subtotals when a query asks for grouping on multiple criteria (the CUBE operation in available in MS-SQL Server).
Special Problems of Clinical Warehouses
wpe250.jpg (13318 bytes)
  • Much clinical data is in Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) form. An example of an EAV schema is shown in the figure above. Here, the parameters that are recorded are not hard-coded as columns in a table. Instead, the parameter definitions are stored as metadata (parameter_info in the above diagram). A single data table (Clinical_Events in the figure) stores information about the Entity (Patient and timestamp info), Attribute (i.e., Parameter) and Value for each instance of a parameter recorded at a particular time. (There may be two timestamps for parameters that have duration, e.g., start and end times of an intravenous infusion.)
  • Generally, one must write code to bulk-transform EAV data subsets into star schemas that are focused on a particular topic (e.g., adverse drug reactions, lab tests). The tedium of writing such code can be minimized by appropriately designed metadata.
  • Free-Text data (e.g.,discharge summaries) needs information-retrieval (IR) technology, which is semi- integrated with RDBMS technology. The offerings of MS SQL Server, Oracle and IBM are not as powerful as the feature sets of packages built by IR vendors (who must live or die by their single products)..
  • Eventually requires use of large controlled medical vocabularies.

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